conditions overview


Conditions of the Teeth

Extraction of Wisdom Teeth or other teeth
Dental Implants–Areas of missing teeth both partial or complete, or replacement of hopeless teeth when surgical options are needed. Implants, bone grafting, or soft tissue grafting
Tumors or Cysts associated with the Teeth
Impacted or Immobile Teeth–Orthodontic procedures where surgical adjuncts are required (Unerupted Canines or other teeth, Growth modification with plate or pin anchorage is required)

Conditions of the Jaws

Skeletal growth problems for example: Jaw size discrepencies, Asymmetries, Too Small or Too large jaws (or chin)
Corrective Jaw Surgery
Tumors or Cysts
Bone infections
Trauma Surgery and Jaw reconstruction
Malocclusions or Bite Problems

Conditions of the Soft Tissues of the Head and Neck

Lesions of the oral cavity, lips and face
Obstructive Sleep Apnea issues within the nose and throat region
Cleft lip and palate
Frenectomy—“Tongue tie”
Benign Tumors
Lip/Cheek/Nose Reconstruction
Scar Revisions

Trauma to the Head and Neck

Fractures throughout the facial skeleton—both new or old, from the neck to the skull (Jaws, Nose, Orbits, Frontal Skull, Cheekbones,
Poor or non-healing fractures
Soft tissue injuries (Lacerations, Dog-bites, Burns, Abrasions etc.)
Crush, tissue loss or penetrating injuries (Dogbites, Accidents, Gunshots, Stabbing, Punctures)
Revisions of Trauma Surgery—Fractures, scars, nerve injuries